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Knot Magic

- A Handbook of Powerful Spells Using Witches' Ladders and other Magical Knots
 Format: Hardcover  Series: Mystical Handbook  Author: Wellfleet Press  Category: Things To Ponder, Things To Ponder Inspiration  Publisher: Wellfleet Press  Published: March 17, 2020  ISBN: 9781577152149 More Details  Buy Now

Harness the secret power of enchanted knots with Knot Magic.

Cast powerful spells with ancient knot magic that has been around for centuries. With a length of string, ribbon, cord, or anything that can be knotted, you can quickly make magic work for you, whether to enchant new love into your lifechange your fortune, or manifest your dreams. You’ll learn not only the best way to cast a spell, but also the best time to perform the spell to ensure success. Become a master knot maker as your spells take root.

This unique collection includes all-powerful witch’s ladders, where additional talismans are woven in with the knots to reinforce the desired outcome, and “unknotting” charms, which banish all forms of negativity. Enhance your magic and knowledge as you bring positive energy into your life. Plus, you’ll have access to a “magical knot directory” that provides the tools you’ll need to get started on your magical journey.

Knot Magic is an approachable and ideal reference guide for seasoned and curious spiritualists who want to practice knot magic.

The Mystical Handbook series from Wellfleet takes you on a magical journey through the wonderful world of spellcraft and spellcasting. Explore a new practice with each volume and learn how to incorporate spells, rituals, blessings, and cleansings into your daily routine. These portable companions feature beautiful foil-detail covers and color-saturated interiors on a premium paper blend.

Other titles in the series include: WitchcraftLove SpellsMoon MagicSuperstitions, and House Magic.

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