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Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire – The Jewel Of Yavin

- Adventure Module
 Format: Hardcover  Author: Fantasy Flight Games  Category: Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire RPG  Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games  Published: May 31, 2014  ISBN: 9781616616809  Tags: Adventure | More Details

“You truly belong here with us among the clouds.”
– Lando Calrissian

Scrape together a crew and prepare for the heist of a lifetime in Jewel of Yavin, a ninety page adventure supplement for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. Set in Bespin’s Cloud City, Jewel of Yavin includes plenty of opportunities for all characters to shine as they work to steal the priceless corusca gem. Game Masters will find the Cloud City gazetteer section especially useful, both for running The Jewel of Yavin adventure and for basing their own Edge of the Empire campaigns on the floating city.

Obsah knihy:

A ninety+ page extended adventure supplement for Edge of the Empire
Set in Bespin’s Cloud City
Player characters work to pull off the heist of a priceless gem
Player characters have the chance to interact with the famous Bespin Wing Guard, and iconic characters like Lando Calrissian
Includes a Cloud City Gazetteer with important information for GMs to use while running this adventure, and campaigns set in Cloud City.

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