What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.
C.S. Lewis
Perception Checks – The Precursor Series
When I first started this site, I came up with a couple of different post series concepts of Investigation Checks and Perception Checks. Whereas the Investigation Checks series aims to highlight and review the best RPG resources out there, the Perception Checks are a bit different. And different from what you’ll find here in an “Insight Check”. While both have their roots deep in the fertile soil of RPGs, their fruits bear different tastes and different nourishments. I’ll go into more detail about Investigation Checks in the next post in this series, but let’s further clarify what a Perception Check is all about first
Essense of Perception Checks
The essence of the “Perception Check” series is to refine your aptitude for identifying the fine points and subtle complexities inherent in a variety of RPG resources. Picture it as a powerful lens, magnifying and spotlighting the lesser-seen but nonetheless vital details. Its mission is to strip away the layers and intricacies of RPGs, translating them into bite-sized insights and handy tips. The goal is to cultivate a discerning eye in you, arming you with the necessary tools to confidently traverse the sprawling landscape of RPGs, guiding you towards making informed decisions about the resources that are available. Thus, you’ll find multiple posts in that series that are geared towards bringing things to the forefront of your consciousness. They range from nudges like “Did you know about this?” or “Are you familiar with this?” to more pointed suggestions like “Hey, you should really check out this guy on YouTube who’s talking about RPG XYZ.”
However, as the old adage goes, “seeing is not the same as understanding”. While the “Perception Check” series helps readers notice and appreciate the finer points of RPGs, it doesn’t delve deeper into their implications or their impact on their personal journey.
How Insightful
That’s where the “Insight Check” series comes in. Here, it’s not just about what’s in the game or resource, but also about what it means. It’s about gaining a deeper understanding of these elements, how they interconnect, and how they affect the gaming experience. It’s about gleaning wisdom from the experiences, drawing lessons from successes and failures alike, and most importantly, sharing these insights with you.
So, if a “Perception Check” was about seeing, an “Insight Check” is about understanding. As we move forward in this series, you’ll find a blend of reflection, analysis, and personal anecdotes that will hopefully inspire, educate, and entertain. Welcome once again to the “Insight Check” series. Let’s delve deeper together in future posts.
Closing Thoughts
A rather short post, but I thought it might be helpful to understand the difference between these various different post series within one body of content or two to help you differentiate between them. In the next post in this series, we’ll cover Investigation Checks in more detail.
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