Game: Blyris Bledstone’s Menagerie of Curiosities
Name: Thenelis Goltorah
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter
Appearance: Thenelis Goltorah, a half-elf of impressive stature, emanates a sense of strength and determination. His piercing blue eyes are as cool as a tranquil mountain lake, reflecting a depth of wisdom and experience uncommon for his age. Dark brown hair cascades to his shoulders, offering a striking contrast against his fair, almost luminescent skin, a testament to his elven lineage.
Clothing: Outfitted in well-crafted leather armor tailored to his robust frame, Thenelis carries his weapons with a grace that belies their lethal nature. His light crossbow, always at the ready, is an extension of his keen gaze, while his longbow, when drawn, turns him into the epitome of deadly grace.
Background: Born in the ethereal Elf city of the Faces of the Gods nestled among the mountains north of Soothing Springs, Thenelis’s mixed heritage granted him a unique perspective, allowing him to navigate both the worlds of the Elves and of Men with ease. However, this duality also instilled in him a longing to find a place where he truly belongs. He was introduced to Morn Bardigus at The Hammered King tavern in Soothing Springs and has since formed a deep bond of brotherhood with him, venturing on many a quest together.
Personality: Thenelis carries a deep sense of loyalty and determination, whether it’s standing up for his friends or facing an adversary head-on. His mixed heritage has shaped a personality that is as resilient as it is empathetic, finding common ground with those of different races and cultures. He may appear stoic on the surface, but his friends know his wry sense of humor and deep commitment to their cause. Despite the challenges he faces, Thenelis stands tall, ready to brave the world that lies ahead with his allies by his side.