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Strongholds & Followers

 Format: Hardcover  Author: MCDM Productions  Category: D&D, D&D 5E, RPG Systems, World Building & Game Mastering  Publisher: MCDM Productions  Published: July 19, 2021 More Details  Buy Now

Strongholds & Followers is a supplement for 5th Edition that gives your character something to spend their money on and extend their influence in the local area. Raise armies! Research spells! Spy on your enemies!

More than just a set of rules and charts, this book also describes a style of play that assumes your character becomes more interested in influencing the world around them. You’ll still adventure and fight monsters, but this supplement gives you tons of fun things to do during your downtime.

It only takes one character building a stronghold to radically change the nature of a campaign and introduce new narrative opportunities for GM and players alike! Huge new story opportunities arise! This book includes tons of examples for GMs to inspire them.

Other Books By - MCDM Productions