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Old-School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy Player’s Tome

 Format: Hardcover  Author: Necrotic Gnome  Category: OSE RPG, RPG Systems  Publisher: Necrotic Gnome  Published: January 1, 2019  ISBN: 9783966570367  Tags: Core Rulebook | More Details  Buy Now

Format: 248-page hardcover; A5 (Digest) size; deluxe quality sewn binding; 2 ribbon markers; endpapers printed with quick reference info.
Authors: Gavin Norman. Cover artist: Peter Mullen.

Complete Advanced Fantasy Player’s Guide

An advanced game with a rich selection of character options and magic. The Advanced Fantasy Player’s Tome is a complete player’s guide in a deluxe hardcover book:

Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy is a “best of” old-school gaming: a complete retelling of the classic 1980s Basic/Expert game expanded with reams of extras inspired by the 1970s Advanced 1st Edition rules.

Advanced Fantasy Book 2: Referee’s Tome

Referees also require the companion book, the Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome.

Old-School Essentials Formats

Other Books By - Necrotic Gnome