This Is Ripley, Last Survivor Of The Nostromo…Signing Off.
Ripley – ALIEN
Havoc Dawn: Session 0.7 – Character Finalization
In this seventh post of a multi-part series covering the session 0 of this new solo game, I’ll be finalizing all the characters for my first solo game of the ALIEN Roleplaying Game.
You can read the other posts related to Session 0 by clicking the appropriate link below:
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.1 – Introduction
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.2 – Character Creation Overview & PC 1
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.3 – Character Creation PC 2
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.4 – Character Creation PC 3
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.5 – Character Creation PC 4
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.6 – Character Creation PC 5
- ALIEN RPG Solo Game 1 – Havoc Dawn: Session 0.7 – Character Finalization
Even though we’ve created all the player characters for the game, we’re not completely finished just yet.
Advice to the reader
In order to interpret the structure of my gaming session posts effectively, it is strongly suggested that you peruse A Readers Guide to Play Sessions on The Old Bard, if you haven’t already.
To better grasp what I mean when I bring up Fate questions, you might find it useful to keep the Mythic Fate Chart accessible, potentially in a new window or tab in your browser.
Buddies and Rivals
The core rulebook details Buddies and Rivals on page 31 as follows:
ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook – Chapter 2: Your Character – Page 31.
The ALIEN roleplaying game is about a small group of people facing unknown and horrifying dangers in the cold darkness of space. To survive, you need to find someone to trust, but also be careful who you turn your back to.
In game terms, your PC can have one Buddy and one Rival amongst the other PCs. You can only have one of each. Your relationships are important for the GM, as she can use them to create interesting situations in the game.
In Campaign play, you can choose one PC to be your Buddy and another to be your Rival. In Cinematic scenarios, the choice is made for you.
However, we had an interesting dilemma that prevented us from detailing those roles on each character sheet as we created them. Therefore, that’s what we need to do now.
At the beginning of the story I have in mind, not all of these characters are actually part of a group yet, and I don’t want to spoil that too much except for the fact that they will eventually form together. Well, that’s the plan. Mythic may change that WHOLE idea up on me.
Regardless, after creating all my characters and looking at their descriptions and thinking how the interplay may work between them, I decided on the following Buddy and Rival mapping.
Of course, as to WHY they are mapped this way, that’s going to remain a bit of a secret until I introduce each character in game play. You’ll see when that happens.
At that time, I’ll update the Havoc Dawn – Characters when each introduction happens. I don’t necessarily want to do that yet because that could change should Mythic have anything to do with it.
I update the sheets for all my characters to list their buddies and rivals, and I get my asset folder and game journal ready to go.

Once I vet everything one last time, I’ll go update each Character Creation post to add it’s initial character sheet to the post.
Now I just need to solidify the Story Origins in my head, document that down and some other housekeeping items and we’ll be ready to start this solo game!
There are some other house keeping items I need to do before we get started on the game consisting of, but not limited to, the following:
- I need to take another good read through of the ALIEN RPG core rulebook and make sure I have enough of an understanding to actually start play.
- I need to take some time, much like I’ve done for my Dune RPG – Collab Game 1: The Sleeper Has Awakened and this solo game and establish the characters for my other Solo games I’ll be starting as follows:
- Thos solo game respective session 0 posts should go pretty quickly however as I do NOT play on creating multiple characters for them initially. This was a chore to get set up for ALIEN (Character Creation, Descriptions, Visualizations, etc.), and I don’t plan on doing that again anytime soon.
- I need to do another session of D&D 5e – Solo Game 1: Blyris Bledstone’s Menagerie of Curiosities so that I can publish my secrets post about how I prepared for the big reveal.
- Prep my Mythic Scene, Adventures List sheets etc. to then start playing.
- I have a couple more Insight Check posts I want to get published.
But we are almost there! So I hope you’ll be patient with me as I wrap up some chores, and then we’ll kick this game off!
Till next time!
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